16 abr 2010

~ Redacciones de inglés (II)

Últimamente me da mucho por contar mi vida, pues tal ha sido el influjo que mi hermano y su diario han creado en la misma, que desde entonces cada vez que me pongo a relatar algo, me acuerdo irremediablemente de él.

Y si no de él, de Garcilaso de la Vega, y su cierto soneto.

Ya sabéis, uno que mete arcaísmos por doquier...

Decía. El texto subsiguiente refiere a una hazaña acontecida en estío, el gran estío que fue el pasado.
Pues bien. No estoy seguro si explicarlo o pasar directamente a la redacción.

De modo que, seguiré el institno.

Apartado 1: Tengo sueño.
Apartado 2: Me da mucha desidia.
Apartado 3: Me da que no.
Apartado 4 y último: AJO, AGUA Y RESINA!!*

Dos puntos:

"Once upon last summer, my friend Adrian, his cousin (I can't remember his name...) and I took a bus in Lugones, which would take us to that famous shopping centre designed by Santiago Calatrava. It was a really sunny day, and many young people were on the bus waiting to go out, on the streets of Oviedo or maybe going to the swimming pool.

There, three strange guys entered in the bus. They were about sixteen years old, dressed like rappers (or maybe like rapists, I'm not sure), and us if we were headbangers. They also said that they liked a lot heavy metal and punk. I haven't got and idea of why we were talking about that sort of things.

They get out of the bus 3 stops earlier than us.


When we thought all danger was over, one of them appeared on the street and stuck his whole face on the window.

It scared the shit out of us, because that douchebag was ugly as Hell.


*A joderse, a aguantarse, y resignación.

2 comentarios:

  1. Me podría morir de la risa viéndole la cara a alguna de nuestras ilustres profesoras de inglés leyendo esto. He dicho.

  2. "...because that douchebag was ugly as Hell."



"Así os luce el pelo"